Friday, 1 June 2012

LGPS 2014 - Negotiations completed: time to have your say

UNISON are pleased to tell you that after months of tough negotiations, the proposals for the LGPS from 2014 have been signed off by ministers for consultation.
UNISON will now start briefing regions, branches and members to let you know exactly what is being proposed from 2014, so that you can have your say.
The other LGPS unions and the Local Government Association will do the same.
You can find a UNISON leaflet and detailed factsheets about every aspect of LGPS 2014 proposals on the pensions section of the UNISON website here.
You will see that there is no change until 2014, 90% of members will pay the same contributions as now and some will pay less.
  • Part-time workers' contributions will be based on actual pay, not full-time equivalent earnings.
  • The scheme is a career average (revalued earnings), or Care, scheme with a 1/49 accrual rate and revaluations indexed to CPI inflation.
  • The normal pension age will be 65 as now, linked to the state pension age.
  • Anyone transferred to an outside contractor under TUPE will have the right to join the LGPS.
  • There is also robust protection for existing members. Find out more in the factsheets.
  • We will be holding meeting soon, please visit this web site regular to find when and where
UNISON will be consulting you about the proposals in a postal ballot. 

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