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Friday, 18 January 2013

What happens if the vote is NO

What happens if the vote is NO

What will happen:

We will stay on the National arrangements for the cost of living rise

They will still amend the flex leave and revert back to 1 day in a 4 week period

They will still be opening the offices between Christmas and the New Year

They will not offer incremental progression

They will still continue to replace the Casual Car Allowance

What might happen:

They might discontinue the Partnership Payments

They might remove Weekend Enhancement and Overtime rates for all staff

They might not offer the 20% travel concession

They might not increase the minimum wage for Oxford City Council employees

The current 2 Year agreement ends on 31st March 2013 so the Council can change any of the items in this agreement from 1st April 2013.

National Pay Award
The government has capped Local Government pay increases to 1% a year until at least 2015; this is to include all costs such as pension, N.I etc.
The union is currently in talks with the local government employers over pay for the 2013/14 round, and is calling for the employers to give staff a decent pay rise. We will therefore be dependant on National negotiators to make a deal for us, the Local Government Association are already indicating that they can not afford any rise for this year, with many Local Authorities less organised and unable to budget for a cost of living rise it is likely to be refused this year.

Flex Leave
The arrangement for the 2 days flex leave in a 4 week period was negotiated and included in the Local Collective Agreement from 1 April 2011; this was a 2 year deal that comes to an end 31 March 2013. Therefore whatever the outcome of the ballot it will stop on 1 April 2013.

If there are any issues where the 2 days flex was used by you for Child Care etc then you should be able to come to some other arrangement with your Manager, this could be in the form of TOIL or flexible working, your manager should seek advice from HR if they do not know what they can offer and you should seek advice from your Steward or the Unison Office if you feel they have not taken into account your request.

Opening offices between Christmas and New Year
This did not have to be part of this deal, the Council felt for transparency it should be include it in this agreement. So if there is a NO vote on the ballot they will still go ahead and open during this time. See 4.7 of the Leave Policy and procedure

4.7 Council offices close during the Christmas /New Year period for 3 designated days, unless your Head of Service notifies you of different local arrangements. All employees are required to set aside and book off 3 days (pro-rata for part-time employees) of their overall annual leave entitlement (excluding bank/public holidays) unless notified otherwise by your Head of Service. The three days of office closure will be confirmed annually.

Incremental Progression
If there is a NO vote for this agreement the Council will not be able to afford Increments for all staff not at the top of the grade. The council will not be able to offer the deal from this agreement unless we vote YES for it.

Casual Car Allowance
The arrangement to replace most of the Casual Car Allowance with a pool car scheme is in the current Local Collective agreement that ends 31 March 2013. Therefore the Council will just continue with this arrangement

The Council will not stop the Casual Car Allowance without first approaching those affected and investigating whether a pool car scheme is viable for the work carried out.

Discontinuing the Partnership Payment
They may discontinue the Partnership payments, unlikely though, the Council say there is evidence that this payment encourages employees to have less sick

Removal of Weekend Enhancement and Overtime Rates for all staff
If they remove these rates of pay then people who are on 5 in 7 contracts and those who have to work at the weekend as part of their job will only be paid at their flat rate. You have to work weekends on a rota basis if you are on a 5 in 7 contract, if this happens many people will lose about £1000 a year and most of these are some of our lower paid workers.

20% travel concession
They do not have to offer this to us

Minimum wage for Oxford City Council employees
They do not have to offer this to us

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