Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Partnership Payment - all your Questions Answered!

It's that time of year again! Do you have a burning question about the annual Partnership Payment? Well it may have been answered below.
When are we getting paid?
Payment will be made in the July payroll, due to credit on 28th July 2015
How do I find out how much money I’m going to receive?
All staff will be written too with the amount confirmed. Letters will be sent in July (before payslips are sent)
What is the appraisal score and absence criteria for payment?
The full criteria can be found by clicking here
I was on probation / maternity leave and as such don’t have an appraisal score for 14/15 – am I eligible to receive payment?
Yes – provided you have met the sickness criteria and there have been no problems with performance.
I’m leaving the council soon – will I get the payment?
You must be employed with the council on 28th July 2015 to be eligible for payment
I’m part-time – is my payment pro-rata?
I only started with the council part-way through 2014/15 – will my payment be pro-rata?
Yes, you will receive a part-payment calculated to cover how long you were working for the council in 2014/15
I’m a manager, and I think some of my staff won’t be eligible for the payment? What should I do?
In June, HR will contact Heads of Service / Managers to double-check who is and who isn’t receiving the payment. Once fully agreed, HR will provide details of employees who are not getting the payment so you can arrange to speak with them before they receive their letter.
What happens if I don’t get a partnership payment and disagree with that – can I appeal?
Yes – details will be given on the letter received in July.
If I get a Partnership Payment, am I still eligible for the increment in October?
Yes – provided you are paid at the bottom scale point of the grade.
If you have any questions that we may have missed, please email payrollclaims@oxford.gov.uk and we'll answer it or talk to your UNISON steward 

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