Monday, 21 December 2015

Love unions

This government is determined to shift the balance of power in the workplace in favour of employers, and get its trade union bill through Parliament with as little scrutiny as possible.
There were some government concessions in the Commons stages, but the bill still fundamentally undermines the right to strike and hits at unions’ ability to represent their members.
It is essential we keep up the pressure during the crucial stages in the House of Lords – the committee and report stages during February may be our best chance to secure changes to many aspects of the bill.
But, to do this, we’ll need to keep the bill at the front of politicians’ and journalists’ minds and remind people why unions are so important.
From the 8 to 14 February, unions and the TUC will be running a special week of activities throughout England and Wales to showcase the amazing work unions do and build awareness of the trade union bill.
You can find out more at In particular, check out our briefing for activists on the week and how you and your branch can get involved.
We’ll be back with more in 2016 but in the meantime, best wishes for Christmas and New Year from us

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