Thursday, 12 October 2017

Acas have published a new guidance booklet on Promoting Positive Mental Health in the Workplace at

They have also published two smaller online guides:-

• Dealing with Stress in the Workplace -

• Managing Staff Experiencing Mental Ill Health -

Other places that give good advice:

Health and Safety week 23rd - 29th October
UNISON supports the campaign for safer and healthier work, so promotes the European Health and Safety Week and the UK National Inspection Day on the Wednesday of the Week.
This year’s theme remains  “Healthy workplaces for all ages” and good workplace design and well managed health and safety benefit all of those at work; whether young, old, or in-between.
Changes in life expectancy and pension provision means that more workers will stay at work as they age.  Apprenticeship schemes as an alternative to schooling may see more young people at work.
Employers must look after the health and safety of all employees; but particularly consider vulnerable groups such as older or younger workers, or women of child-bearing age.  Working for longer, and the fact that children now grow up with computers, may also result in longer exposure to risks (musculoskeletal or otherwise).
Older workers are more likely to suffer disabilities and long term health problems so measures such as rehabilitation and return to work will become more important.

Find out more on the UNISON webpage at 

UNISON benefits
A list of all benefits from travel and shopping with UNISON rewards to legal support can be found at

Upcoming National Events

9th - 14th and 19th October - Support for our Libraries and

17th October - The big Pay Up Now lobby/rally in London

20th October - UNISON celebrates the journey of Black trade unionism 

20th October - Wear Red Day (against racism)

23rd - 29th October - European Health and Safety week

28th - 29th October - Disabled members' conference , Manchester

5th - 11th November - Living Wage Week

Check out more national events on the Unison website

Thanks to our comrades at Oxford Brooks University 

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