Friday, 10 January 2020

Annual General Meeting

The following are the arrangements for the Annual General Meeting of the branch and details of the elections that will be held in this branch.

The AGM will be held on:
Friday 28th February 2020
15:00 – 16:00
In the Long Room
Oxford Town Hall
St Aldate’s, Oxford, OX1 1BX

The AGM is open to all members and its function is to allow an opportunity for members to receive reports from Branch Officers/Stewards on the performance of the branch in the previous year, including the campaigns that we have been involved with, our services to members and the branch accounts. Members have an opportunity to ask questions about reports that are submitted including the financial accounts of the branch.

Motions/Amendments to Branch Rules
As a full member you are entitled to submit motions and amendments to branch rules to the AGM so that they can be debated,  For a motion to be competent the subject must be relevant to the functions of the branch and be submitted in time for its inclusion on the agenda of the AGM. The final date for motions to be submitted is 12 noon, Friday 31 January 2020.

Election of Branch Officers/Stewards etc
This AGM also endorses the election of Branch Officers and stewards for the forthcoming year 2020/21. if you would like to stand please click the quick link on the right hand side of the page.

All existing stewards and Branch Officers who wish to continue in their role for a further year should return a nomination form.

Any full member of the union can stand for election to any of the Branch Officer Positions (except for the Labour Link Officer who must be a member of the Labour Party), subject to obtaining the appropriate number of members to support the nomination.

Nominations should be received at the Branch Office no later than 12 noon on Friday 07 February 2020. In the event of there being more than one nomination for any officer post a ballot will be held of all full members to determine the successful candidate, in the case of Labour Link Officer any election will be held of Labour Link members only

Branch AGM and Election Timetable
1. Motions, Rule Amendments, to be received by 12 noon on Friday 31 January 2020
2. Branch Officer Nominations, Steward nominations etc. to be received by 12 noon on Friday 07 February 2020
3. Monday 17 February 2020 Ballots papers issued, if required
4. Final Agenda published Monday 24 February 2020
5. AGM - Friday 28th February 2020, subject to the meetings being quorate.

Join us for a free cheese and wine available from 16:00. Tea and coffee will also be provided from 14:00

Finally, just to remind you that our union is a democratic organisation that is member led and the AGM and election process is important in ensuring that the union is and remains accountable to its members, not just for its policies and its activities but also in determining those members who will go on and speak for the union and our members. We therefore encourage you to play a full part in the process and to ask your colleagues to do likewise.

I look forward to seeing you on 28 February

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