Wednesday, 9 June 2021

Employers will no longer be able to get away with mistreating any employees who take part in union-organised workplace disputes following an important legal decision


Employers will no longer be able to mistreat staff who take part in union-organised workplace disputes, following an important legal decision.

An employment appeal tribunal heard a case involving a care worker who had been disciplined, suspended and prevented from going into work by her employer, after she took part in a long-running dispute over plans to cut payment for sleep-in shifts.

The tribunal found that UK law was not compliant with international human rights law, and has acted to ensure that striking workers are now protected. 

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£200 grants for UNISON members to spend on their winter essentials.

UNISON's welfare charity, There for You, is providing £200 grants for UNISON members to spend on their winter essentials.  There are a l...