Friday, 2 December 2022

As we move into the Town Hall on Monday

 Dear all,


On Monday5thDec,themove to the Town Hallfrom SACtakes place, some of you mayand will haveconcerns, as per normal, UNISON are here to helpand support you overcome any issues you may have. TheUNISON office will be open from 09:00 till 15:00 on Tuesday and Wednesday for you to walk in and talk to anofficer/steward to share those concerns and hopefully find a way to through.


If you don’t want to just walk in please email office@oxfordcityunison.comto make an appointment


We arealways availableto help and supportwhen needed, we can’t fix every problem but we will have a good go, and sometimes it helps just to talk, don’t struggle in silence, change is always hard.


£200 grants for UNISON members to spend on their winter essentials.

UNISON's welfare charity, There for You, is providing £200 grants for UNISON members to spend on their winter essentials.  There are a l...