UNISON Case Form

The CASE form is one of the most important documents in UNISON. The form must be completed by members if they require assistance from the union in dealing with a workplace problem.  It should be completed as fully as possible, signed and returned to the Oxford City Branch Office.

It is important that you submit all relevant paperwork related to your case including; letters you have received.  Please include details of any past or proposed meetings, these dates are important and could affect your right to appeal as well as our ability to arrange representation.

It is important that you give the Branch a minimum of seven days notice prior to any meetings to process and allocate your case.  Once processed your case will be referred to an appropriate steward for advice and support.

Please be aware that you need to be a UNISON member for four weeks before you can seek representation, Oxford City Branch of UNISON cannot represent members with issues which occurred prior to joining UNISON.

The information collected from this form will only be used in relation to your case.

If you need to update any of your personal information then please do one of the following:

If you have any queries about completing the case form, please do not hesitate to contact the Branch.

The form is available to download in PDF


Case management form – complies with case system and contains guidance notes; for use by branch representatives and regional case workers. Updated August 2017


Oxford City Branch of UNISON 2025 AGM

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