Oxford's best-performing trade union, supporting workers at Oxford City Council, Oxford Direct Services, Proudly working in partnership with NHS and University branches across Oxford for the benefit of all members and a greater UNISON for all.
To all members of the Oxford City Branch of UNISON
I wanted to update you all, on what your branch is and have been doing on your behalf in these stressful times.
As you know the council has embarked on many projects, including the SIP project, People strategy, there have been a number of re-structures, the change project and all of which we have been involved with and have been acting on your behalf and representing your views when you have approached us with concerns and suggestions. We have also started receiving a number of HR policies which we are currently negotiating on.
On top of this, we now have the quick move to the Town Hall which is proving to be a difficult challenge to incorporate all that we had in SAC i.e Kitchens, showers and confidential meeting spaces and somewhere to park our bikes to name but a few issues.
We now have the cost of living crisis which we have been proactive about we have recently had an offer Of a £500 non-consolidated payment to go to all staff your branch committee has rejected this offer in favour of an improved counter payment of a consolidated of a £1000 pro-rata. We have also Formally written to Caroline Green asking to review the current pay deal based on the fact that when we agreed on the current pay deal inflation was predicted to rise to 3%, as you will be aware inflation has far exceeded this and is currently running at 10% and feel that it’s right for us to do this on your behalf, I hope you agree.
If we are to succeed we need to know that you the membership agree with this strategy. We are very aware that the Council's finances are not as healthy as they once were, and we are not under any illusion that this will be difficult. That said, we are very aware of the sacrifices that our members have made over the last twelve years of austerity, and to coin the phrase Enough is Enough! It definitely is! And this is the time we need to stick together as we can’t do this without you, and comments or suggestions will be gratefully received.
Lastly, I need to ask you to make sure your details are up-to-date and also for your permission to email you using your OCC email address or to make sure that you have submitted an email address which will allow us to stay in contact with you. If not then please periodically keep an eye on our website for further information.
In Solidarity
Ms C Glendinning
Financial Wellbeing Fortnight begins next week! We have two weeks packed with webinars and online workshops to help you manage all aspects of your financial life. Whether you're trying to get on top of debt or save for your future, get your head around your pension or find out how to make your grocery budget go further, we have something for you. And it's all free to UNISON members!
Find out more and sign up on our website: https://learning.unison.org.uk/events/financial-wellbeing-fortnight/
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After two years during which disabled members have faced unprecedented challenges, UNISON has made 2022 the year of disabled workers.
It’s vital we speak out against disability discrimination, challenge negative stereotypes and work to remove barriers that stop disabled people achieving their goals. Together, we can create a society where disabled people are valued for who we are.
Check out the full story at https://www.unison.org.uk/news/article/2022/01/introducing-the-year-of-disabled-workers/
Half of women have been sexually harassed at work. Two thirds of LGBT+ people have experienced it too. And what’s really shocking is that 4 out of 5 people don’t feel able to report it to their employer.
So after months of campaigning, we welcome the government’s recent announcement that it finally plans to change the law and introduce a mandatory duty on employers to prevent sexual harassment, including third-party harassment.
It’s an important victory for UNISON and the whole coalition of unions, women’s rights bodies and business organisations working together in the #ThisIsNotWorking alliance. But most importantly, for UNISON members delivering public services, this represents a positive practical step towards stamping out harassment at work from clients, patients and contractors as well as from colleagues.
The government has stated that it will introduce legislation “as soon as parliamentary time allows”. For workers who continue to suffer, and who currently feel that nothing will be done if they report harassment, it’s action, not words, that will make a difference.
UNISON will keep a close eye on the government and press for it to introduce a properly enforceable law so that all employers make prevention a priority and are held severely to account when they let their workers down. We will be watching – and we stand ready to act if we don’t see the urgent change we need.
What to do if you are being sexually harassed at work
2025 AGM One of the most important functions of the AGM is to elect officials to lead the branch for the year ahead. A whole range of diff...