Showing posts with label Unitary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unitary. Show all posts

Friday, 29 March 2019

Local Service Champions: Share my story

Moments of truth

Your public services are at breaking point. Hear from the people who provide them – and their personal, and often frank stories of the tremendous pressures they face.

Hear their voices. Share their stories. Take a stand for your public services. #momentsoftruth

Key facts

  • The NHS is suffering the deepest financial squeeze in its 70 year history, with the decade 2010-2020 set to be its most austere ever
  • At least 12,000 NHS beds have been lost since 2010
  • Local government budgets have been slashed by nearly 50%, making it increasingly difficult for councils to properly fund street cleaning, libraries, leisure centres and community safety
  • Approximately 1,000 Sure Start centres have closed since 2009
  • Because of inadequate funding, nearly 80% of workers providing care to elderly people in their homes report having no option but to rush their work or leave clients early to get to their next call
  • The number of police community support officers has been cut by more than 30%, at the same time as violent crime and sex offences have been rising
  • The number of teaching assistants in secondary schools has been cut by 8%
  • Close to one million jobs have been cut across public services, with more than half of those who are left reporting that they now have to undertake unpaid overtime to keep services going
  • 80% of NHS staff have raised concerns about there not being enough staff on duty to give patients the high-quality care they want to

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Update on unitary bid 2018

The Government has announced that it will not be making a decision on the proposals for a single unitary council for Oxfordshire for the foreseeable future – and that it “would be wrong” to commit to a timetable to consider them.

The Minister for Local Government provided the update in a letter to the Leaders of South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse district councils, which the two councils made public yesterday.

In his letter, Rishi Sunak MP said: “It would be wrong for Government to commit now to any particular timetable for considering the unitary proposal, although we remain open to considering the views of any Oxfordshire council about unitary proposals.”

He cited as reasons for the decision the new partnership arrangements between Oxfordshire County Council and Cherwell District Council following the restructuring of local government in Northamptonshire, and the successful joint working between all six of Oxfordshire’s councils with the Growth Board.

Mr Sunak said: “The evidence of the progress all Oxfordshire councils together are making on the Housing and Growth Deal clearly demonstrates that the absence of any announcement on the unitary proposal is no impediment to continued partnership working.”

£200 grants for UNISON members to spend on their winter essentials.

UNISON's welfare charity, There for You, is providing £200 grants for UNISON members to spend on their winter essentials.  There are a l...