Showing posts with label cuts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cuts. Show all posts

Thursday, 20 October 2022

Let's show everyone why council cuts have to stop NOW


The local services that you work so hard to deliver continue to face devastating funding cuts. More and more essential services, that we all rely on every day are facing serious funding challenges.

Use our handy online tool to find out exactly how much funding will be cut from your local area - and get your friends and family to check too. 

Visit our council cuts site

During the pandemic, councils had to spend billions to keep our communities running and protect the most vulnerable, keeping the country going and communities safe. And now we’re facing spiralling costs of living, with food and energy becoming unaffordable. More than ever local services need the funding to provide support to our local communities.

That’s why, together, we’re calling on the government to give our essential services the funding boost they so desperately need. 

You can ask your local MP, MSP or Senedd Member to save our services and show their support. With thousands of UNISON members like you emailing them, they will have to listen! We've provided a template letter - you just need to add your name!

Friday, 7 October 2022

further cuts of £18 billion to public services.


This week, Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng confirmed further cuts of £18 billion to public services.

As cold weather sets in - and hard-working people across the country struggle to heat homes, stock kitchen cupboards and travel to work - it’s clear Kwarteng thinks oil company profits are more important than your wellbeing.

Together, we’re going to change that.

We’re building a movement to rise up against the cost of living crisis. And demand those in power fix it. That means pay rises for people who truly keep this country running, not cuts to public services.

I will demand an end to this pay crisis

Together, we’re calling for an end to the pay crisis. That means raising the minimum wage to £15 an hour and giving public sector workers inflation-busting pay rises.

Nearly 80,000 people have already signed. Can you help us reach 100,000? Once we reach that goal, we’ll deliver the petition to Downing Street, so Kwarteng will see that you - and so many others - need and deserve a pay rise.


Because we know when people doing it tough rise up and demand what they deserve, good things happen.

Like Manchester NHS workers who recently fought for and got back-pay. Or Scottish local government workers who secured an improved pay offer this September. Or in summer when a teacher got the Supreme Court to pass a judgment guaranteeing minimum paid annual leave.

Be a part of this success story. Sign the petition and demand a pay rise, not cuts to public services.

Yours in solidarity,


Thursday, 1 August 2019

Missed talking mental health?

Don’t worry catch up the webinar recording of Chris O’Sullivan from the Mental Health Foundation discussing practical ways for union reps to promote good mental health in the workplace.

it is just a click away Webinar 

Thursday, 18 July 2019

Stop Privatisation of Oxford Brookes Catering Staff

Oxford Brookes University is outsourcing its catering staff. From 01 January 2020 over 60 staff will no longer be employed by the university. Workers are worried they will face real reductions to their pay, pensions, terms and conditions. Help support our campaign to keep staff employed by the university by signing our petition.’
We the undersigned call on Oxford Brookes University to revise their current decisions in regard to the provision of catering. In summary we believe that;
1)    Catering services should be provided by Oxford Brookes and contracts should in no circumstances be outsourced to a third party.
2)    That all staff working in catering should enjoy the same benefits, terms and conditions as other Oxford Brookes staff.
3)    Catering staff are a valued and integral part of University life and should be treated with fairness and respect.  
4)    Catering staff should be properly consulted on their employment and their concerns addressed.
Please sign to show your support to this campaign. 

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Message from Nigel Kennedy, Head of Financial Services, Oxford City Council

Message from Nigel Kennedy, Head of Financial Services, Oxford City Council

Colleagues may have seen news reports that Oxfordshire County Council announced plans for significant changes yesterday. The Leader of the County Council, Councillor Ian Hudspeth, said they wanted to introduce a new operating model to improve efficiency and increase the provision of services online. The County Council says it is seeking savings of £34-£58 million a year by streamlining services. It acknowledges this is likely to involve a reduction in staff numbers over time by up to 890 people, though it said it expected, with staff turnover of about 650 a year, that most of the jobs lost would be taken out of that pool, with a smaller level of compulsory redundancies. The proposals will go before the full County Council meeting on 11 September.

These savings were identified as part of last year’s budget setting process, and the County Council has been working on a plan with consultants for the last 12 months. The City Council set a balanced budget last year, over the four-year budget plan, with savings of around £7m already identified. We are in the process of reviewing the budget for the next four-year planning period, and whilst it’s safe to say we will have financial challenges we are not in the same financial position as the County Council.

Oxford City Branch of UNISON 2025 AGM

  2025 AGM One of the most important functions of the AGM is to elect officials to lead the branch for the year ahead. A whole range of diff...