Showing posts with label people. Show all posts
Showing posts with label people. Show all posts

Saturday, 18 April 2020

A thought for the weekend

I'll tell you a tale, that's been recently written.
Of a powerful army, so Great it saved Britain.
They didn't have bombs & they didn't have planes.
They fought with their hearts & they fought with their brains.
They didn't have bullets, armed just with a mask.
We sent them to war, with one simple task.
To show us the way, to lead & inspire us.
To protect us from harm & fight off the virus.
It couldn't be stopped by our bullet proof vests.
An invisible enemy invaded our chests.
So we called on our weapon, our soldiers in Blue.
"All Doctors, All Nurses, Your Country needs you".
We clapped on our streets, hearts bursting with pride.
As they went off to war, while we stayed inside.
They struggled at first, as they searched for supplies.
But they stared down the virus, in the whites of its eyes.
They leaped from the trenches & didn't think twice.
Some never came back, the ultimate price.
So tired, so weary, yet still they fought on.
As the virus was beaten & the battle was won.
So many of us, owe so much, to so few.
The brave & the bold, our heroes in Blue.
So let's line the streets & remember our debt.
We love you, our heroes. Lest we forget.🌈

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Message from Nigel Kennedy, Head of Financial Services, Oxford City Council

Message from Nigel Kennedy, Head of Financial Services, Oxford City Council

Colleagues may have seen news reports that Oxfordshire County Council announced plans for significant changes yesterday. The Leader of the County Council, Councillor Ian Hudspeth, said they wanted to introduce a new operating model to improve efficiency and increase the provision of services online. The County Council says it is seeking savings of £34-£58 million a year by streamlining services. It acknowledges this is likely to involve a reduction in staff numbers over time by up to 890 people, though it said it expected, with staff turnover of about 650 a year, that most of the jobs lost would be taken out of that pool, with a smaller level of compulsory redundancies. The proposals will go before the full County Council meeting on 11 September.

These savings were identified as part of last year’s budget setting process, and the County Council has been working on a plan with consultants for the last 12 months. The City Council set a balanced budget last year, over the four-year budget plan, with savings of around £7m already identified. We are in the process of reviewing the budget for the next four-year planning period, and whilst it’s safe to say we will have financial challenges we are not in the same financial position as the County Council.

Saturday, 31 March 2018

Today is transday of visibility

⚧  Check out UNISON's great guide to being a good trans ally. It all comes down to listening to trans people, challenging transphobia, and being a good person!

Click for more info

Tips for being a good trans ally In general

• Speak up for trans people and trans equality and against transphobia.
• Speak up when there are trans people present. Don’t leave it to trans people to defend trans equality.
• Speak up when there are no trans people present. Transphobia is always wrong and shouldn’t be ignored.
• Do this in meetings, on social media, with family and friends.
• Don’t assume you know who is trans or who is affected by anti-trans discrimination. There may be people with a trans history in your branch or workplace who are now just living their lives. Other colleagues may have trans family members.
• Transphobia is no laughing matter. It’s just as important to challenge it when it is presented in a jokey way.

Oxford City Branch of UNISON 2025 AGM

  2025 AGM One of the most important functions of the AGM is to elect officials to lead the branch for the year ahead. A whole range of diff...