Showing posts with label your views. Show all posts
Showing posts with label your views. Show all posts

Thursday, 3 December 2020

We need your input and views so we can increasing participation

The UNISON South East region is committed to increasing participation in all of its decision making structures. We want all areas of our membership to be fully represented and have their voices heard on the issues that matter to them. In response to a regional policy agreed at this year's AGM, we are consulting with all branches and Self Organised Groups and reviewing our structures and ways of working.

We have developed a questionnaire which allows you to feedback on what the barriers to participation are, and give suggestions to how we may be able to do things differently to make it easier for you and others to get more involved. Please take the time to complete this survey and help us shape the outcome of this review. The findings of the survey will be considered by the working group and will result in recommendations to the Regional Council AGM in 2022.

Here’s the link for the questionnaire, it should take less than 5 minutes to complete. The questionnaire is open for one month, until 6 January 2021. 

Oxford City Branch of UNISON 2025 AGM

  2025 AGM One of the most important functions of the AGM is to elect officials to lead the branch for the year ahead. A whole range of diff...